Lead Your Team To Innovative Results

Unlock the innovative and collaborative capabilities of your teams.

As a driver of organizational performance, you know firsthand that your people can be better at innovating together.

Basadur works closely with leaders to uncover the incredible potential of their people to innovate and achieve more while working cohesively.

Why collaborate?

When people fail to work together:

  • Distrust is fostered
  • Defensiveness increases
  • Open communication stops
  • Collaboration diminishes
  • Individuals are less invested
  • Performance drops
  • Innovation stagnates
how to start being innovative

Do you want to increase awareness, innovative problem solving, and skill-building?

Generate understanding of different thinking styles to improve performance
There must be an understanding that each of us has our own style of solving problems and when these preferences make the biggest contributions. 

Guide your people to better collaborate and innovate
With important challenges it is imperative to include and lead everyone with contributory knowledge to participate in the innovation process.

Get everyone to tap into their creativity and solve problems
Foster innovative mindsets and build individual skills in creative thinking and problem solving.

Our experiential innovation certification courses are designed to provide leaders confidence.

Change your people’s mindsets about how they collaborate and innovate

  1. Basadur Profile Certification – Our signature program to help you facilitate discussion of Profile results so your people understand how to drive innovation better collaboratively
  • Work with facilitators who work alongside you. 
  • Get expert help to enable diverse groups of people to solve important challenges innovatively

  • Design custom sessions that produce immediate results

  • Enjoy problem-solving meetings that enable you to achieve your goals

2. Training in the Basadur Simplexity System – Learn how to use a time-tested process that utilizes real problems to learn skills to drive, lead, and apply innovation.

  • Become a consistently high-performing, innovative, problem-solving machine.

  • Custom-fit or choose from applied creative skill building workshops 

  • Build skills to lead people through the innovative problem solving process.

Lead A Self Sustaining System Of Innovation

Contact us today to drive collaboration, creativity, and growth.

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