How do you empower a Board of Directors to be more strategic thinkers?

We teach a module on creative and critical thinking in a program that certified graduates with a designation to be a future “chartered” board director.  As part of the module, the Basadur Profile was administered to help each person learn about their own individual innovation style as well as introduce the concept of innovation as a continuous process rather than event driven. These people have typically risen to the top of their organizations as great implementers. They’ve demonstrated their skills in getting necessary things done well.  In the quarterly results world, getting things done is of supreme importance.

However, the role of a board member is to be a conceptualizer – to provide vision and help the organization chart a successful future. This is strategy – not operational work.  It can be a challenging shift for individuals, and collectively, can result in dysfunctional boards that are inclined to micro-management and lack a process for working well together.

In this particular cohort, the one dot located on the far right of the diagram represented a woman taking part in the training who was frequently at odds with the rest of the group. The Profile exercise helped the group recognize why they often saw her as “getting in the way” of their forward progress.

What might these participants do to become more comfortable with the conceptualizing needs of their role as a board member:

  1. Force themselves to deliberately pause before rushing toward action.
  2. Take a step back and realize their role is a strategic one – the CEO they hire operationalizes the strategy.
  3. Spend more time in defining problems from many different angles.
  4. Shadow or work with a fellow conceptualizer to become better in this style. 
  5. Force themselves to not micromanage and stay out of the day-to-day minutia of running the business.

“You’re an innovator, you just don’t know it yet!” Learn more about the Basadur Profile and how it measures cognitive diversity to support your team in achieving innovative results. 

Ready to take The Profile?

Click Here